When Head’s Collide…What’s Next?

Did You Know…

A child can have a concussion without losing consciousness. After a concussion, less than 5%* of children lose consciousness or are “knocked out” for a short period of time. Every child is different, and some symptoms are more prevalent than others. That’s why it’s very important to recognize the signs and symptoms of a concussion, so that you can determine whether advanced treatment is necessary.
*Acute Concussion Evaluation (A.C.E.) Care Plan

If your child was injured on the sports field, what should you do?

Read below to find out:

  1. My child has headaches that have gotten worse and worse since their injury.
  2. My child is having seizures.
  3. My child is having neck pain.
  4. My child looks very drowsy or can’t be awakened.
  5. My child is repeatedly vomiting.
  6. My child is slurring their speech.
  7. My child is having trouble recognizing people or places.
  8. My child is becoming increasingly confused.
  9. My child is having weakness or numbness in their arms or legs.
  10. My child has unusual changes in their behavior.
  11. My child is becoming increasingly irritable.
  12. My child lost consciousness at or after the time of injury.

If you said “yes” to any of the above statements, call your doctor or go to your local emergency department right away.  Then, call (313) 832 9366 to follow up with the Children’s Hospital of Michigan Concussion Program after discharge.

Before they return to play, what should you look for?

Read below to find out:

  1. My child seems to be having or says he/she is having difficulty concentrating.
  2. My child is having difficulty remembering new information, which is out of the ordinary.
  3. My child says he/she is having fuzzy or blurry vision.
  4. Soon after my child's injury, they complained of nausea or began vomiting.
  5. My child is having dizzy spells and/or balance problems.
  6. My child seems to be having sensitivity to noise or light.
  7. My child isn't sleeping normally. They're sleeping more or less than usual, or having trouble falling asleep.
  8. My child's appetite is different than normal. 
  9. My child seems to be having difficulty thinking clearly.
  10. My child's feeling or behaving more sluggish than normal.
  11. My child is complaining of a headache.

If you said "yes" to any of these statements then call to schedule an evaluation with a pediatric specialist at the Children's Hospital of Michigan Concussion Program.

If you have any concern or question about whether your child may have had a concussion, call your doctor and speak to the Children’s Hospital of Michigan Concussion Program team member at (313) 832 9366

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