Pediatric and Neonatal Dedicated Ambulance and Transport Team

When pediatric patients need emergency transport, Children’s Hospital of Michigan’s PANDA (Pediatric and Neonatal Dedicated Ambulance) One is Michigan’s only dedicated pediatric and neonatal ground transport team. For decades, PANDA One has provided specialized transportation care for critically ill children and neonates from referring hospitals and physician offices all over the state.

Healthcare professionals demonstrating medical equipment

Advanced Expertise

Our Intensive Care Transport Team at Children’s Hospital of Michigan is experienced in pediatric and neonatal intensive care transport. Our transport team members are required to carry the following certifications in:

  • Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)
  • Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
  • Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP)
  • Basic Life Support (BLS)
  • Subspecialty Certification in Neonatal Pediatric Transport (C-NPT) through the National Certification Corporation (NCC)
  • Advanced Burn Life Support (ABLS)
  • Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses (ATCN)

Each team member also progresses through a rigorous six-month orientation process, where many specialty skills, unique to emergency pediatric patient transport are acquired, including:

  • Advanced airways skills (intubation, laryngeal mask airway and emergency cricothyrotomy)
  • Mechanical ventilation including high-frequency ventilation for neonatal patients
  • Advanced gas delivery (nitric oxide and heliox)
  • Cardio electrical therapies (defibrillation and cardioversion)
  • Needed aspiration for the decompression of tension pneumothorax
  • Advanced venous access skills (external jugular line placement, umbilical venous cannulation and intraosseous)

For physicians: To arrange for emergency transport for an pediatric patient, call the Physician Link Line at 877-99-4THEM (8436)

Meet the Team