The American Board of Pediatrics requires that fellows engage in research projects in which they develop hypotheses or in projects of substantive scholarly exploration. Scholarly activity may be pursued in basic, clinical or translational research. In
addition, scholarly activity may be pursued in other areas, such as bioethics, education, public policy, health services, or quality improvement. The scholarly activity must result in a work product approved by a Scholarship Oversight Committee (thesis
like committee) at the fellows training institution. Examples of work products may include peer reviewed manuscripts, meta analysis of the literature, systematic review of clinic practice, critical analysis of public policy, curriculum development
with assessment, thesis or dissertation with advanced degree, extramural grant, manuscript describing a completed project and progress reports for exceptionally complex projects.
The research experience of the fellows begins in the first year of training with the quarterly SOC meetings in which the committee members discuss with each fellow their interests based on their clinical exposure to a wide variety of both hematology and
oncology patients. Once the fellow identifies a particular area of research focus (e.g. leukemia molecular pharmacology), the program director and the SOC committee members guide fellows in the selection of appropriate mentors to complete a hypothesis-driven
meaningful research experience project which fulfills the guidelines for ABP board certification.
Hands on learning techniques used in the laboratory is based on each individual fellows' research project. Fellows begin their laboratory-based training during the second year of their fellowship and continue training throughout the remainder of their
fellowship. Particular areas of laboratory-based research expertise/techniques available within our division and/or collaborating faculty:
- Coagulation based research: coagulation factor assays, Inhibitor assays, platelet function studies, TEG
- Immunotherapy, Flow Cytometry analysis: Dr. Savasan (CHM), Steven Buck (CHM)
- Molecular Biology, DNA/RNA extraction, PCR, RT-PCR Dr. Wang (CHM), Dr. Callaghan (CHM)
- Red Blood Cell Disorders analysis by ekracytometer: Dr. R. Johnson (WSU)
- Chemotherapy Pharmacology and HPLC pharmacokinetics: Dr. Stout (CHM)
- Molecular Epidemiology and Pharmacology of Cancer using advance molecular biology techniques, cell biology: Dr. Y. Ge (KCC); Dr. L. Matherly (KCC); Dr. Taub (CHM/KCC)
- Bioinformatics and Microarray Technology: Dr. A. Dombkowski (CHM)